Black Friday: Cannibalisation or Propagation?

I worked in marketing for a leading hospitality business for many years so Black Friday is a term that I have been familiar with for some time. Back then it was an industry term to describe the last Friday before Christmas when typically, we would see the most Christmas party bookings. Since then, much like Halloween and Baby Showers we have taken the lead from our American counterparts. Black Friday has become a day when retailers heavily discount their products to encourage consumers to purchase, giving businesses a much needed pre-Christmas boost. We’ve even gone one step further with Cyber Monday. But does Black Friday actually boost businesses sales or are we simply cannibalising existing sales? In my latest blog I’ll take a look at the benefits of Black Friday vs the potential pitfalls.

Black Friday this year will fall on Friday the 26th of November. So, if you’re looking to capitalise on this day, you’ve not got much time to get your ducks lined up. Last year we spent an estimated £6 billion on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Forecasts suggest that this year spending will be down by 6% with the average Brit set to spend £275 ( So why the sudden downturn in projected sales? The easing of lockdown and vaccine rollout may hold the key to the predicted decline in sales. With life almost returning to pre-pandemic status consumers have more demands on their income. Money is getting spent on socialising, commuting and non-essentials. Concerns over supply chains may also have some bearing on consumer behaviour this year.

So, what does this all mean for your business should you engage in Black Friday promotions or hold your nerve and maintain your retail prices. Black Friday has many pros and cons.


1.      An increase in traffic and sales

Consumers have become savvier due to Black Friday and Cyber Monday and are actively seeking out bargains during this period. Black Friday and Cyber Monday focuses shoppers on a set period of time meaning more sales and traffic for your business.

2.      A chance to offload stock prior to Christmas

Black Friday is a great opportunity to clear older stock and introduce new lines prior to the Christmas rush. This is particularly key if your business is in electronics or fashion.

3.      New customer attainment

Finding new customers can be tricky and costly. Black Friday and Cyber Monday give you an opportunity to get in front of new customers who you can then retain if their experience is positive then they will come back to you.

4.      Incremental sales

Customers are well trained and are keen to purchase around Black Friday. They may be attracted to your business due to discounts however they may go on to purchase full price items.

5.      Fulfilment of orders prior to Christmas

With ongoing issues with delivery getting sales in early may prove beneficial to retailers as you can ensure customers receive their items in good time prior to Christmas.


1.      Pressure to discount

As I’ve already mentioned customers have grown to expect discounts around Black Friday and Cyber Monday. This may be difficult for some retailers to achieve.

2.      Negative impact on sales margins

Although sales are likely to go up, profits will go down. You need to consider whether offering discounts is actually commercially viable. If not then you may wish to withdraw from offering deductions however, will your competitors be offering a promotion?

3.      Increase in returns

Black Friday can encourage impulse purchases, the problem is whether customers will then return the items.

4.      Overcrowded competitive marketplace

Lots of retailers will be talking about Black Friday so getting your voice heard above all your competition can be problematic.

5.      Delayed sales as customers are waiting for discounts

We’ve all grown to expect discount around Black Friday so teasing customers to purchase outside of this period will be tough. Its likely that you will see a drop in sales running up to Black Friday which will have a negative influence on your bottom line.

The Black Friday and Cyber Monday phenomenon looks like its here to stay despite the difficulties it poses to retailers. Its important to consider all the pros and cons before embarking on discounting your products. The impact on margins is easier for a larger retailer to absorb but for smaller businesses it may prove challenging. But equally the opportunity to acquire new customers during this period is beneficial. The key to success is ensuring that promotions are carefully managed to ensure that margins are protected whilst taking advantage of the increase in customers looking for a bargain.

If you’d like to talk to me about your marketing prior to the run up to Christmas or anything else, feel free to get in touch 07979940526.


The intricacies of communication in 2021

The intricacies of communication in 2021

Its important to ensure that your corporate voice is a true reflection of a clients brand objectives. Do they utilise emojis or not? What does their brand stand for? How do you communicate this to their target audience? And probably most importantly who is their target audience?

How to ensure you start 2021 with your best foot forward

Economists could never have predicted what a tumultuous year 2020 would prove to be. Two national lockdowns, the demise of many high street brands and the uncertainty of Brexit have all created the perfect storm for a difficult year of trading. Although there are some ‘green shoots’ particularly with the advent of a vaccine. There’s no denying that the start of 2021 will spell the survival of the fittest. So, what can we do as 2020 draws to a close to ensure our businesses are as robust as possible? Read on to hear my top tips on how to make 2021 a bumper year.

Back to Basics


When did you last review your business plan? If the downturn in trading has left you with more free time now is a great opportunity to create or revisit your business plan. Can you provide your product or service in a more accessible way? Perhaps incorporating video consultations to clients or moving the business online. Knowing what we know now heading into 2021 we should be fully armed with a fool proof business strategy.

Pivot! Pivot! Pivot!

The term pivot has shot into our vocabulary with many businesses looking at inventive ways to continue trading. The swerve, as some commentators are now referring to it, is a way of making your business COVID proof. Events companies distributing care packages for companies, pubs opening delis and businesses adding a new range of services. The ‘swerve’ is keeping many businesses afloat. Can you adapt or expand your services?


Relook at your budget, what can be cut back on or repurposed? Although it’s tempting to slash marketing budgets the only way to survive is by investing wisely in the business. Marketing is an integral part of this. So, start by looking at your budget and allocating a proportion to marketing activity. If budgets are tight look at activity which will give you the best ROI whether that’s a PPC campaign, paid social or email marketing the tools are there to make your £’s work for you.



With many staff still WFH (working from home) it’s likely to have taken a toll on their mental health. After all, the workplace is ordinarily a sociable environment. Do your staff feel valued? With current restrictions it’s unlikely that many companies will be able to hold an annual Christmas party this year. What can you do to ensure your staff are happy and appreciated?


With less than 1 month to go until the end of the transition period we will be working with new rules for trading with the EU from 1st January 2021 onwards. Are you ready? Do you need to look at having your qualifications recognised by EU regulators or do you need to apply for a work permit? Trading with the EU will be a little different next year make sure you’re not caught out.

Although 2021 seems a little daunting with the right professional help you can make it successful. To see how marketing can help you achieve your objectives get in touch to arrange a socially distanced consultation


When I grow up, I want to be…


Source: Daily Mail

Don’t worry I’m not going to add a Pussycat Dolls video.

What career did you want to have when you grew up? Have you realised your dreams? My first memory of a chosen job was that I wanted to be a hairdresser. I loved the idea of making people feel better about themselves and its also a very sociable job. If you’ve not gathered by now, I love to chat! But it was during a trip to Granada Studios (remember when they used to be based just off Deansgate?) where my eyes where opened to the wonderful world of media. I don’t know why but out of the group of children and parents I was picked to ‘read the news’. It was an amazing experience and definitely lit the fire for a career in communications. The other thing I liked about the media was their desire to be the first to do stuff we shouldn’t be shocked by, but it was a big moment when the first black kiss occurred in 1968 or seeing a gay couple on TV. It’s saddening to hear that the creative/arts industry has taken such a knock due to coronavirus.

RSC Artists speak up. #BlackLivesMatter

But what is marketing communications really all about?

“Marketing communications includes advertising, promotions, sales, branding and online promotion.[3] The process allows the public to know or understand a brand. Successful branding involves targeting audiences who appreciate the organisation's marketing program.”


To me quite simply it’s all about being where your customer is, with the technology we now have at our fingertips this can be done in many different ways. There’s no denying that digital has overtaken many other media formats and you can see the attraction due to its accountability which is difficult to achieve from more traditional media. But a multi-media approach is still important that’s why I pride myself on being media neutral. The right plan for a client is dictated by many factors budget/objectives the list is endless.

I’ve said many times that media consumption is so much more fragmented now than it was in the halcyon days (for media planners) of the 80s I talk about it in more detail here. The plethora of outlets available now not to mention ad avoidance on subscription channels such as Netflix has made a marketeers job much trickier. But when it’s done well, it can be amazing.

I’m really enjoying Just Eat’s campaign at the moment with Snoop Dogg; an excellent execution which works well across different media. I’d love to know how much it cost to get Snoop to be involved (I may need to Google that later).

Paradoxically, I was saddened to hear the news that Bauer has made the decision to close down nearly 50 of their local radio stations and rebrand them to Greatest Hits Radio. I still feel there is a place for truly local radio in our ever changing media climate. Capital Manchester’s drive time show is testament to that with a significant increase in listeners according to the latest RAJAR. During the coronavirus outbreak I think radio has more than proven its worth. Keeping our spirits up during a particularly difficult time and providing an instant source of information.

With all that has happened in the world of late we’ve had an opportunity to self-reflect. There are many negatives and I think its going to be sometime before we get back to ‘normal’ both economically and emotionally. But I feel this is a great opportunity for us to reset, change our priorities and follow our dreams. I am genuinely passionate about what I do and helping businesses realise their true potential. We’re not out the woods yet but drop me an email if you want to chat I’d love to hear from you

The emotional and economic survival plan for getting through the lockdown

A lot has changed since I wrote my last blog. The ripple effects of the coronavirus are hitting businesses of all sizes. At Icon we work predominantly with SMEs, companies that are just starting out and need marketing support but can’t afford to employ a member of staff. It is no surprise that over the last couple of months, times have been tough in terms of trading with many temporarily closing their doors.

So what position are you in? Are you a key worker? Furloughed member of staff? Working from home? Business owner? Or are you the small percentage of workers that can’t work from home? I was on an early morning walk this week and was surprised to pass the train station as a train pulled in. It reminded me that although I’m in my little bubble the wheels are quite literally still turning!

I, like so many, have found the lockdown quite challenging both mentally and economically. With no face to face meetings the new business leads I’d worked so hard to secure earlier this year have fallen to the wayside. I find myself thinking about what will be left of my business once lockdown is over. But for now, there’s not much space to worry as I have two kids at home who with the help of my husband, I am home-schooling.

This slowness of pace is alien to me I’ve always gravitated to fast paced roles and love to be in the company of my friends and family. I’m sure this aptitude is what drew me to a career in marketing. The PM’s speech last night offered a glimmer of hope that we’re moving to the right side of this pandemic so for now we need to continue doing what we’re doing keeping our family safe and happy. So, what can we do?


What did you do to relax pre-lockdown? A massage? Facial? Listening to or playing music. I used to do Yoga classes on a Wednesday morning. I love the floaty, care-free feeling it gives me and have being guilty of falling asleep during the relaxation at the end of the class on more than one occasion! So, for me I am gaining relaxation doing an early morning workout with Adrienne. Gardening has also been proven to reduce anxiety so why not get out there and make something beautiful that you can enjoy over the Summer months.

Eat Well

I must admit I made the banana bread that seems to have gripped the nation but it wasn’t for me. That said I have enjoyed spending more time cooking proper meals and interesting variations of the boys’ lunches which I am sure are still not a patch on their school dinners.

Tomato and Chickpea Bake

Tomato and Chickpea Bake

Read a book or magazine

I’ve bought a wide range of reading material from gardening magazines (they were giving away free seeds) to the trashier gossip magazines packed with celebrity non-stories that are my guilty pleasure. However, this week I came across a book I wish I’d bought many years ago its called ‘Mindfulness for Mums’. Bizarrely the author is Izzy Judd, a musician who appeared on Britain’s Got Talent and was signed to Simon Cowells record label. The book offers techniques to deal with anxiety and funnily enough even reading the introduction made me feel instantly at ease.

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Gain a new skill

A tricky one if you’ve got little people. In an ideal world I would be continuing with my Google AdWords training but that requires quiet something lacking in our household at the moment. For me its simpler things like trying out a new hairstyle or painting my nails. Two things that give me a feelgood boost. But it could be anything one of my closest friends has taken up knitting. I’m secretly hoping she’ll knit me a throw for the Winter months. So, have a think what have you always wanted to do play the piano? Write a book? The world is your oyster!

Lockdown hairstyle

Lockdown hairstyle

Set a routine

I’m a planner, having a daily plan helps me get through what could otherwise be a very long day. I also like to set myself little tasks each day which I like to tick off and give myself a virtual pat on the back. It feels good to feel like you’ve achieved something each day no matter how small.

And Plan

Plan for the future, ‘brighter days will come’. I feel that once businesses do re-open a lot of the growth will be organic, I’m already dreading trying to get my eyebrows done as no doubt they’ll be fully booked for weeks! So, what can you do to plan? Make sure you have a team in place to deal with demand. Could you offer a re-opening package? Or even a party for your loyal customers. But whatever you do do not underestimate the surge in demand.

One thing is for sure after all of this we will have a much greater appreciation of our ‘normal’ life. Meeting friends for coffees, taking the kids to the park even going on holiday or quite simply going to work! But I also hope we have taken this opportunity to look at our lives and make some positive changes.

When this is all over I would love to meet with you to discuss how Icon can help your business reach its full potential you can drop me an email to