Top tips for any entrepreneur launching a new business - part 2

In part two of this blog we discuss some further tactics on launching your new business.

1.      Invest in a professional looking website

Building a website is likely to be the biggest initial spend for your new business but it’s essential to portray authority in what could potentially be a crowded marketplace. Once you have your website don’t just let it sit in the background. Regular blogs will attract visitors and help establish you as a thought leader in your space.

2.      Put aces in places

Not just for marketing but running a successful business you need to understand the importance of bringing in skills that you may not necessarily have. Whether that’s finding a bookkeeper or marketing specialist when you run your own business you aren’t expected to be an expert in every field. Decide on the help you require and budget for it accordingly.

3.      Work on your social presence

You don’t need to be on every platform but finding the correct social media for your target audience is a must. We’ve talked before about the different platforms and demographics relating to this. Understanding the correct one for your audience is a must but also ensuring you are posting regular content to engage with your potential customer.

4.      Invest in paid ads

Whether this is on social or through google investing in ads will provide you with the all important quick win. If budgets aren’t massive that doesn’t mean that PPC is a right off. Think outside of the box with your bidding tactics looking at things such as time of day or specific keywords.

5.      Capture data

There are ways to retarget visitors to your website but a much simpler technique is to collate data from visitors to your website. A simple sign-up form offering a discount if your potential customer makes a purchase is a far simpler way of building your database and exposure to interested parties.

6.      Word of mouth

If you’re running a business your existing customers are your best marketing tool. Encourage them to share your product or service. If they’ve had a positive experience, they’ll be happy to share it with friends and family.

7.      Don’t forget your PR

Whether you’re looking at celebrity endorsements, linking up with a local charity or putting your own spin on a national news story. Having a solid PR strategy will give your new business a much needed boost and will save money on expensive advertising campaigns.

We hope you’ve found some useful nuggets in our latest blog and are excited about the journey of your new business. If you’d like to talk to Icon about your promoting your new venture or anything else, feel free to get in touch 07979940526.

Marketing predictions for 2022

Crispy autumnal leaves, the first frost of the year and darker nights, all means one thing we’re rapidly approaching the end of 2021. A year like no other! But what is in store for 2022? In our latest blog we take a look into our crystal ball to predict what to expect for marketing in 2022. We’ll be looking at Google updates, social media and traditional marketing amongst other factors. Read on to find out how to get a head-start for your business in 2022.

1.      Another Google Update

In early 2022 we’ll be seeing the rollout of MUM (Multitask Unified Model) the AI model update is set to make complex search results more simplified. This is one of many steps taken by Google to make searches easier for users. There have been minimal changes to search engines over the past 20 years although we have seen many enhancements and updates however the core rules of how a search works have remained relatively unchanged. The innovation of MUM promises to bring more results of what we want without having to make several searches. MUM will inevitably have an impact on SEO with keywords taking a backseat to whether the site answers the query written by the user.

2.      Paid Search

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) if you’re looking to create a successful online platform investing in PPC is a must, but how do you get the best results? As previously discussed, the ever changing Artificial Intelligence (AI) is fast becoming a major factor in running an effective PPC campaign. Utilise it when automating bids or looking for longtail keyword suggestions. Get social, we’re aware of the benefits of paid social advertising on Facebook and Instagram but there’s an emerging player in the marketplace Tik Tok. Tik Tok has recently formed a partnership with Shopify to enhance advertising processes with the platform. Look at integrating it into your campaigns to get ahead of your competitors.

3.      Social Media

We’re seeing an emerging player in the social media market Tik Tok. With many innovations this social network is rising through the ranks its seen an increase in users of 45% in less than a year compared to a 6% monthly rise in users on Instagram (Hootesuite). We recommend spending some time familiarising yourself with Tik Tok and bagsying your handle. We’ve seen many businesses utilising social media to sell their products. Users are becoming accustomed to this and are growing to expect this. Despite mixed feelings from users social listening is going to become even more prolific in 2022 with many businesses already utilising this tool through their chosen social media management platform.

4.      Events

With many events from networking to team building hosted online in 2021 due to the pandemic we wonder if we will see a full return to in-person events in 2022. What the past two years has proved is that its not necessary to host all events in person. The cost saving benefits of hosting events online is one of many benefits to virtual events but can you really gain the essence of an event from behind a laptop? Event organisers are certainly behind hybrid events with 64% saying they will continue to utilise virtual features at live events (State of the Event Industry Survey). Either way whether virtual or in-person we expect to see many more events hosted by businesses in 2022.

5.      PR

Although there are many developments in PR due to our advances in technology, Icon believes getting back to basics is a must in the world of PR. Don’t blanket email journalists, personalise your emails. Write engaging ‘newsworthy’ content whilst building the credibility and reputation of your business. As we all know in the digital world ‘content is king’ so incorporating your PR strategies into your website will reap rewards in 2022. As will online reputation management. Are you responding to reviews? Are you dealing with negative comments and reviews? Buyers are increasing interested in these factors. We also believe there will be a continuation of influencer marketing. Finding influencers who are aligned to your core values will help you gain maximum exposure for your brand.

Most importantly like every year the best way to effectively execute your marketing campaigns in 2022 is to plan. If you’d like to talk to Icon about your marketing for 2022 or anything else, feel free to get in touch 07979940526.

The emotional and economic survival plan for getting through the lockdown

A lot has changed since I wrote my last blog. The ripple effects of the coronavirus are hitting businesses of all sizes. At Icon we work predominantly with SMEs, companies that are just starting out and need marketing support but can’t afford to employ a member of staff. It is no surprise that over the last couple of months, times have been tough in terms of trading with many temporarily closing their doors.

So what position are you in? Are you a key worker? Furloughed member of staff? Working from home? Business owner? Or are you the small percentage of workers that can’t work from home? I was on an early morning walk this week and was surprised to pass the train station as a train pulled in. It reminded me that although I’m in my little bubble the wheels are quite literally still turning!

I, like so many, have found the lockdown quite challenging both mentally and economically. With no face to face meetings the new business leads I’d worked so hard to secure earlier this year have fallen to the wayside. I find myself thinking about what will be left of my business once lockdown is over. But for now, there’s not much space to worry as I have two kids at home who with the help of my husband, I am home-schooling.

This slowness of pace is alien to me I’ve always gravitated to fast paced roles and love to be in the company of my friends and family. I’m sure this aptitude is what drew me to a career in marketing. The PM’s speech last night offered a glimmer of hope that we’re moving to the right side of this pandemic so for now we need to continue doing what we’re doing keeping our family safe and happy. So, what can we do?


What did you do to relax pre-lockdown? A massage? Facial? Listening to or playing music. I used to do Yoga classes on a Wednesday morning. I love the floaty, care-free feeling it gives me and have being guilty of falling asleep during the relaxation at the end of the class on more than one occasion! So, for me I am gaining relaxation doing an early morning workout with Adrienne. Gardening has also been proven to reduce anxiety so why not get out there and make something beautiful that you can enjoy over the Summer months.

Eat Well

I must admit I made the banana bread that seems to have gripped the nation but it wasn’t for me. That said I have enjoyed spending more time cooking proper meals and interesting variations of the boys’ lunches which I am sure are still not a patch on their school dinners.

Tomato and Chickpea Bake

Tomato and Chickpea Bake

Read a book or magazine

I’ve bought a wide range of reading material from gardening magazines (they were giving away free seeds) to the trashier gossip magazines packed with celebrity non-stories that are my guilty pleasure. However, this week I came across a book I wish I’d bought many years ago its called ‘Mindfulness for Mums’. Bizarrely the author is Izzy Judd, a musician who appeared on Britain’s Got Talent and was signed to Simon Cowells record label. The book offers techniques to deal with anxiety and funnily enough even reading the introduction made me feel instantly at ease.

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Gain a new skill

A tricky one if you’ve got little people. In an ideal world I would be continuing with my Google AdWords training but that requires quiet something lacking in our household at the moment. For me its simpler things like trying out a new hairstyle or painting my nails. Two things that give me a feelgood boost. But it could be anything one of my closest friends has taken up knitting. I’m secretly hoping she’ll knit me a throw for the Winter months. So, have a think what have you always wanted to do play the piano? Write a book? The world is your oyster!

Lockdown hairstyle

Lockdown hairstyle

Set a routine

I’m a planner, having a daily plan helps me get through what could otherwise be a very long day. I also like to set myself little tasks each day which I like to tick off and give myself a virtual pat on the back. It feels good to feel like you’ve achieved something each day no matter how small.

And Plan

Plan for the future, ‘brighter days will come’. I feel that once businesses do re-open a lot of the growth will be organic, I’m already dreading trying to get my eyebrows done as no doubt they’ll be fully booked for weeks! So, what can you do to plan? Make sure you have a team in place to deal with demand. Could you offer a re-opening package? Or even a party for your loyal customers. But whatever you do do not underestimate the surge in demand.

One thing is for sure after all of this we will have a much greater appreciation of our ‘normal’ life. Meeting friends for coffees, taking the kids to the park even going on holiday or quite simply going to work! But I also hope we have taken this opportunity to look at our lives and make some positive changes.

When this is all over I would love to meet with you to discuss how Icon can help your business reach its full potential you can drop me an email to

How marketing can help your business survive the Coronavirus

When news first reached us of a flu-like virus affecting residents in Wuhan, China I’ll be the first to admit that it didn’t immediately ring alarm bells. Fast-forward several weeks and the World Health Organisation have labelled it a ‘pandemic’. It feels more like something from a Hollywood blockbuster than real life.


You only need to see the empty shelves in most supermarkets to understand that at least some of the UK population are in a state of panic. Companies who can, are taking their employees out of the office environment and are allowing them to work from home. Some businesses where this is not feasible have made the difficult decision to close their doors for the foreseeable future.

Source: The Rex Facebook Page

Source: The Rex Facebook Page

But what does it all mean for your business? And how can you survive?

Typically, in times of financial crisis businesses cutback on their marketing activities however in this situation I think the opposite should be true. In this blog I will talk about some of the possible opportunities for your business and how to survive the Coronavirus outbreak.

1.      Be where your customers are

Whether your customers are self-isolating or working from home. There has never being a more important time to improve your digital offering. Is your website up-to-date? Are you effectively utilising social media? Have you communicated with your customers via email or text? We’re in uncertain times and this is a great opportunity to solidify brand loyalty by communicating effectively with your customers and providing reassurance.

2.      Turn a negative into a positive

The National Trust announced this week that they will be removing pay barriers from all their National Trust parks and Gardens. I’m not suggesting that you need to go to such great lengths but positive PR during this uncertain time could get you in front of a whole new audience. Smaller initiatives such as reaching out to the elderly and at-risk groups in your community could have a positive impact for your brand. Sainsbury’s and other retailers are offering to open their stores for the first hour exclusively to these two at risk groups. What steps could you take as a business to help the most vulnerable in society?

3.      Strength in numbers  

Now more than ever is a time to unite with other businesses who may be suffering. Manchester hospitality leaders have unified this week by launching the ‘pay it forward’ scheme to help support local restaurants and bars through the Coronavirus pandemic. The scheme encourages people to purchase discounted vouchers at participating restaurants during the run up to Easter which can be redeemed from May onwards. And for the added feelgood factor for each voucher purchased a charitable donation of £1 is also made to Hospitality Action. So, speak to your competitors and look at ways you can work together.

4.      And finally, don’t panic

This is an unprecedented situation and with so much uncertainty surrounding Coronavirus and its economical impact we must ‘keep calm and carry on’. The government have announced several measures to support businesses through this difficult time including £330bn in loans and £20bn in other aid. It’s important to remain positive and instil your consumers with confidence.


If you’re feeling concerned about the effects of Covid-19 on your business or are looking at ways to improve your digital presence why not give Kiesha at Icon Marketing Communications a call for an informal chat on 07979 940526.

Mum’s the Word for Business Success

It may only be in its first trimester, but 2019 is already a boom year for ex-radio presenter and mum-of-two, Kiesha Humphreys who is celebrating her fourth year at the helm of Icon Marketing Communications Ltd. In that time, Icon, a specialist marketing consultancy based in Wilmslow, has been responsible for a number of SME business success stories across Cheshire and Manchester.

Kiesha HumphreysPhoto credit: Senem Peace Photography

Kiesha Humphreys

Photo credit: Senem Peace Photography

Kiesha explains; “I set up the business after the birth of my first son, and Icon is an anagram of his name, Nico. I’d been working at a senior level at a large advertising agency in Manchester, and while I was on maternity leave it struck me that there is a gap in the market for a reasonably priced and flexible marketing resource, in the area.”

Kiesha has first-hand experience of smaller businesses approaching large agencies and being put off by the cost. She says, “Bigger organisations can be a bit intimidating to smaller businesses – especially when they only need a one-off marketing facility or a bespoke marketing service.”

While larger organisations often don’t see the immediate potential in helping businesses when they’re starting out or are at the ‘expansion phase’, Kiesha seizes the opportunity to put her big agency knowledge and international marketing expertise to the test.

“For the past 15 years I’ve worked in the UK and South East Asia. In this time, I’ve seen the communications climate change dramatically – and it still is changing, year on year”.

In tandem with her ‘day’ job as a Business Development Manager for upmarket restaurant chain, Gusto, Kiesha honed her communications skills as a regular Radio Presenter for Cheshire’s Silk 106.9, BBC Radio Manchester and Capital (formerly Galaxy 102). It meant she had her finger on the pulse of all kinds of media. “I’m a natural-born communicator,” she says, “I was increasingly drawn to digital channels and I could see that the major draw of digital is its level of accountability and significant ROI”.

Photo credit: Jonathan Farber

Photo credit: Jonathan Farber

As well as running Icon, Kiesha has spent the last year completing her Google Ads certifications and working on SEO projects with a number of clients.

Kiesha continues; “There is still a need for an integrated marketing communications strategy to support and strengthen the digital aspect, including PR, events and traditional print and radio advertising”.

Kiesha says; “While we’re based in Wilmslow, we often work from The Workspace in Handforth, a beautiful co-worker environment that has flexible terms – it’s great for businesses who want to collaborate. We work with businesses of all sizes to provide one-off support or ongoing marketing management (across the mix) in and around Manchester and Cheshire. We create tailor made packages in line with our clients’ budgets or we can offer bespoke solutions to suit their needs.”

The Workspace Handforth Meeting RoomPhoto credit: Compton Harry Photography

The Workspace Handforth Meeting Room

Photo credit: Compton Harry Photography

It’s not every day a company can benefit from marketing experience of the kind Icon can deliver, without the international agency price tag. With so many success stories under her belt – and plenty more waiting to happen, Kiesha is more than happy to spread the good news.

For more information visit .

To celebrate its fourth year. Icon Marketing Communications Ltd is offering all readers a 1 hour complimentary marketing consultation. For more details, please contact Kiesha on or call 07979940526.

The Workspace can be contacted on 01625 522209 or via email

For more information visit