A lot has changed since I wrote my last blog. The ripple effects of the coronavirus are hitting businesses of all sizes. At Icon we work predominantly with SMEs, companies that are just starting out and need marketing support but can’t afford to employ a member of staff. It is no surprise that over the last couple of months, times have been tough in terms of trading with many temporarily closing their doors.
So what position are you in? Are you a key worker? Furloughed member of staff? Working from home? Business owner? Or are you the small percentage of workers that can’t work from home? I was on an early morning walk this week and was surprised to pass the train station as a train pulled in. It reminded me that although I’m in my little bubble the wheels are quite literally still turning!
I, like so many, have found the lockdown quite challenging both mentally and economically. With no face to face meetings the new business leads I’d worked so hard to secure earlier this year have fallen to the wayside. I find myself thinking about what will be left of my business once lockdown is over. But for now, there’s not much space to worry as I have two kids at home who with the help of my husband, I am home-schooling.
This slowness of pace is alien to me I’ve always gravitated to fast paced roles and love to be in the company of my friends and family. I’m sure this aptitude is what drew me to a career in marketing. The PM’s speech last night offered a glimmer of hope that we’re moving to the right side of this pandemic so for now we need to continue doing what we’re doing keeping our family safe and happy. So, what can we do?
What did you do to relax pre-lockdown? A massage? Facial? Listening to or playing music. I used to do Yoga classes on a Wednesday morning. I love the floaty, care-free feeling it gives me and have being guilty of falling asleep during the relaxation at the end of the class on more than one occasion! So, for me I am gaining relaxation doing an early morning workout with Adrienne. Gardening has also been proven to reduce anxiety so why not get out there and make something beautiful that you can enjoy over the Summer months.
Eat Well
I must admit I made the banana bread that seems to have gripped the nation but it wasn’t for me. That said I have enjoyed spending more time cooking proper meals and interesting variations of the boys’ lunches which I am sure are still not a patch on their school dinners.
Tomato and Chickpea Bake
Read a book or magazine
I’ve bought a wide range of reading material from gardening magazines (they were giving away free seeds) to the trashier gossip magazines packed with celebrity non-stories that are my guilty pleasure. However, this week I came across a book I wish I’d bought many years ago its called ‘Mindfulness for Mums’. Bizarrely the author is Izzy Judd, a musician who appeared on Britain’s Got Talent and was signed to Simon Cowells record label. The book offers techniques to deal with anxiety and funnily enough even reading the introduction made me feel instantly at ease.
Gain a new skill
A tricky one if you’ve got little people. In an ideal world I would be continuing with my Google AdWords training but that requires quiet something lacking in our household at the moment. For me its simpler things like trying out a new hairstyle or painting my nails. Two things that give me a feelgood boost. But it could be anything one of my closest friends has taken up knitting. I’m secretly hoping she’ll knit me a throw for the Winter months. So, have a think what have you always wanted to do play the piano? Write a book? The world is your oyster!
Lockdown hairstyle
Set a routine
I’m a planner, having a daily plan helps me get through what could otherwise be a very long day. I also like to set myself little tasks each day which I like to tick off and give myself a virtual pat on the back. It feels good to feel like you’ve achieved something each day no matter how small.
And Plan
Plan for the future, ‘brighter days will come’. I feel that once businesses do re-open a lot of the growth will be organic, I’m already dreading trying to get my eyebrows done as no doubt they’ll be fully booked for weeks! So, what can you do to plan? Make sure you have a team in place to deal with demand. Could you offer a re-opening package? Or even a party for your loyal customers. But whatever you do do not underestimate the surge in demand.
One thing is for sure after all of this we will have a much greater appreciation of our ‘normal’ life. Meeting friends for coffees, taking the kids to the park even going on holiday or quite simply going to work! But I also hope we have taken this opportunity to look at our lives and make some positive changes.
When this is all over I would love to meet with you to discuss how Icon can help your business reach its full potential you can drop me an email to kiesha@iconmarketingcommunications.co.uk