In today’s modern age there are so many ways to share news both good and bad. With news outlets now available online it’s much more difficult to eradicate bad news. Before visiting a restaurant, I always check their reviews one or two bad reviews can be taken with a pinch of salt but several negative reviews with a running theme will make me think twice about visiting. The easiest way to avoid bad PR is to not do anything wrong however this is much easier said than done. Our freedom of speech and ability to write bad reviews on Facebook, TripAdvisor, Google+ etc. can be a thorn in the side for any business to consumer enterprise.
Credit: Compton Harry Photography, Flavour of Jamaica
Writing a negative review about a restaurant, attraction or shop can be done in minutes and left for all eternity on the world-wide web. People often find it easier to leave feedback in this way rather than speaking to the proprietor directly. B2C enterprises rely on their staff to be successful but we don’t always get things right. So many mitigating circumstances contribute to a positive customer experience. Unfortunately, it’s not always possible to get things right.
So how do you combat a bad review? I’ve had countless discussions with clients on what to do with a bad review. The best way to turnaround a bad review is to acknowledge it and engage with your customer. This doesn’t mean entering into a heated debate after all the customer is always right. Instead invite your customer back and ensure they have a positive experience. One which they wish to share with friends and family.
Ignoring a bad review aggravates the reviewer and sends out a message to others reading it that the reviewer is right and that you don’t care about your customers. Some of my most loyal customers at Gusto where people who had previously left a negative review or provided feedback to the restaurant. Listening to your customers and dealing with negative reviews are the best way to build a loyal customer base. B2C business development is reliant on word of mouth so what better way to grow your business than using your customers.
If you would like to have a chat about your business development opportunities, feel free to get in touch or 01625 533102.